Dreiländertreffen 2025 29. – 31. Oktober, Davos
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Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin (SGUM)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin (ÖGUM)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin (DEGUM)
Point‑of‑care ultrasound in primary care: a systematic review of generalist performed point‑of‑care ultrasound in unselected populations (Sorensen and Hunskaar Ultrasound J (2019) 11:31) mit motivierender Schlussfolgerung:
This systematic review shows that ultrasound, at the point of care, is increasingly being utilised by GPs and EPs across the world. It also shows that generalists can, given a certain level of pre-test probability, safely use ultrasound in a wide range of clinical settings to aid diagnosis. For many conditions, the sensitivity is high and can help the physician rule out a condition, while for others, the specificity is high, helping to rule in a diagnosis. For some conditions, the total test accuracy is high, and it may, in fact, be a valuable screening tool. ….
This systematic review will potentially be a valuable reference for physicians searching for evidence for the use of PoCUS in their given primary care setting.