Was ist PoCUS?

PoCUS = Point-of-Care-UltraSchall

  • Integration des Ultraschalls in den unmittelbaren Kontext der hausärztlichen bzw. präklinischen diagnostischen Abklärung umgrenzter typischer klinischer Fragestellungen
  • Erweiterung der körperlichen Untersuchung mit fokussierter Visualisierung normaler und ggf. pathologischer Strukturen im Untersuchungsbereich
  • klinische Verdachtsdiagnosen erhärten / Differentialdiagnosen ausschließen, Reduktion überflüssiger diagnostischer Maßnahmen bzw. Konzentration auf zielgerichtetere weitere Maßnahmen

“POCUS is defined as ‘ultrasonography brought to the patient and performed by the provider in real time’. It is designed to answer a specific clinical question or to perform a specific procedural aim and is not a replacement for a formal ultrasound examination or screening.
POCUS has been shown to be useful to rule in or rule out medical emergencies, diagnose conditions of low to moderate complexity, and to monitoring acute and chronic illnesses independent of hospital infrastructures.”

WONCA (World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners and Family Physicians) empfiehlt:

“We recommend that all general practitioners receive training in POCUS that is tailored to the needs of their healthcare context.”

(Poppleton, Aaron; Tsukagoshi, Sonia; Vinker, Shlomo; Heritier, Francois; Frappé, Paul; Dupont, Fabian et al. (2024): World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners and Family Physicians)


WFUMB (World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology):

“Ultrasound performed at the bedside (at the doctor’s clinic) and interpreted directly by the treating clinician. POCUS is not a replacement for comprehensive ultrasound, but rather allows physicians immediate access to clinical imaging for rapid and direct solutions. POCUS are focused studies used to achieve specific procedural aims (e.g. direct the needle to the correct location) or answer focused questions (e.g., Does my patient have ascites?).

POCUS provides answers to these questions immediately, without the delay of letting others do the scanning.”



Was gehört nicht zu PoCUS ?

-Überweisung zu einem Spezialisten
-umfangreiche, vollständige Ultraschalluntersuchung
-fehlende fokussierte Fragestellung